2023 Holiday Toy Drive

It’s amazing how fast 2023 is flying by and the holiday season is upon us. We will have our annual Toy Drive this coming Saturday, November 18, 2023 from 8AM – 2PM.
Walmart has graciously accepted to partner with us again and allow us to host the event at ‘7’ of their locations. THANK YOU WALMART!!!
If you’re interested in supporting Toy Project this year, but are unable to make it out to our toy drive, we have great news! We have created an Amazon Wish List which allows donors to shop online and have the donations shipped directly to us! Hassle free.
If you’d rather be a monetary donor, please visit our website www.toyproject.org and click on the red ‘DONATE NOW’ button at the top of the home page.
Please use this link to view our Amazon wish list and remember to select 10117 Mills Station Rd for the delivery address so items get shipped directly to our facility.
We love working with and supporting our Sacramento County communities. We would not be able to support and help families in need without the support from all of you. THANK YOU!!!
We truly appreciate your generosity by either coming to our Toy Drive, shopping through our Amazon Wish List, or as a monetary donor.